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Walk-In Customers: We are only accepting credit/debt cards (no cash transactions) at this time.

Marabu H1 Hardener

by Marabu

Safety Data Sheet for Marabu H1 Hardener

** As of Jan. 2023, the 100mL size of this hardener now comes in metal packaging. Different packaging, same hardener. ** 

H-1 Hardener produces a relatively flexible ink film and is suitable for most Marabu inks.

H1 Hardener is ink hardener that produces a relatively flexible ink film. H1 is suitable for use with the following Marabu inks TPR, TPU, TPP, TPY, TPT, TPL.

H1 has a slower hardening time when compared to H2 film and does not yellow upon UV exposure. Store H1 in a dry place away from humidity and always close after use. Harder is available in 1L and 100mL amounts.

Marabu H1 Hardener Auxiliaries Technical Data Sheet