Discontinued- Graphtec CE7000-40 15" Wide E-Class Desktop Cutter
Graphtec CE7000 ASC 15 inch Wide Automation Sheet Cutter Spec Sheet
Graphtec CE7000 ASC 15 inch Wide Automation Sheet Cutter User Manual
New 8.0 ARMS for fast and accurate print and cut applications with XY compensation feature:
- Data Link Bar Code feature for maximum productivity
- NEW easy to use USB Thumb Drive connectivity so NO computer needed!
The New CE7000 Series boasts our Popular Cutting Channel to allow easy perforated cut or through cut operations. The NEW CE7000 Series comes complete with our full complement of Graphtec Software along with our NEWLY ADDED Ethernet Connectivity. Cutting Master 4 plug in for Adobe and Corel Users and our ever-Popular Graphtec Pro Studio software for design and cut graphics. The CE7000 series works with both PC and MAC platforms or use the handy new USB Thumb Drive Port if needed. Graphtec makes it easy so contact an Authorized Reseller today!
The 15 inch cutter includes:
- CE7000-40 15" High Quality Industrial Grade Cutting Machine
- Sheet Feeder Attachment
BONUS: Graphtec PRO Studio Software - 1 License: Extremely Powerful Design Software
- Design Creation, Registration Marks, Tiling, Weed Lines, Tool Assignment
- Offline Use via USB, Outline, Fill, Auto Trace, Line Patterns, & Much More
- Use in replacement of Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW or Import from Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW without Converting the File
- CB09UB Blade Holder
- CB09UB Blade - .9mm Diameter - 45 Degree
- Continuous hands free sheet media loading and processing
- Dedicated software ensures accurate alignment
- Includes Graphtec ARMS (Advanced Registration Mark Sensor)
- 450 grams of cutting force - strongest in the market
- Pen Adapter - works well with Staedtler Lumocolor Pens
- Staedtler Lumocolor Pen - Black
- Roll Feeder
- Loupe
- 11.5 Inch x 16.5 Cutting Mat
- Vinyl Trimmer
- USB Connector
- Cutting Master 4
- Supported OS - Widows 10, 8.1, 8.7
- CE7000 Machine Training Video
- Set Up Manual
- Cutting Blade Manual
- 2 Year Warranty